
"You have had a tremendously positive impact on Alex's academic success! He really enjoys his school and most importantly recaptured his love of learning. We hope you and your family are well!"

- Parent of a 10-year-old boy

"Dr. Lauren, I would just like to say thank you! You have been so helpful with my son and have given me so much more insight on Collin. I knew he was bright but you have shown me even more about him. He has asked about you often. I appreciate that you are able to see him for who he is and have helped me see what is best for his education. You went beyond what I expected, with your follow up and further advice. Thank you so much."

- Parent of a 5-year-old boy

"I miss seeing you. I liked my appointments with you."

- 9-year-old boy

"When can I come back to see you again?"

- 5-year-old boy

"Dr. Worrall is a compassionate and talented professional who has a deep understanding of the whole child. Her friendly and relaxed manner makes her easy to work and communicate with."

- High School Principal

"We had the privilege of working with Dr. Worrall this summer. She was very patient and courteous with our 13-year-old son. As parents of a child with ADHD, we had a lot of unanswered questions about our son's needs regarding both his education and life in general. From the time we first sat down with Dr. Worrall we knew she was a knowledgeable and understanding professional. Thanks to Dr. Worrall, we are able to better understand and help our son toward a successful future."

- Parents of a 13-year-old boy